Womens Circle

Women’s Circle are the foundation of where sisterhood commences. They are sacred spaces where women come together to tell our stories. The place where we get to express our medicine for ourselves and gifting the other women the permission to do the same.

We sit in deep reverence for the woman sitting next to us as we lean into vulnerability, courage, kindness, love, softness, joy and empathy. Women’s circles allow us to come back to the origins of what sisterhood should be. Unity, connection, understanding, support and expansion.


The demonising of women as witches is ending. No longer does the vision of a wart, nosed hag represent the witch, but instead the witch is every woman that is free from the shackles of conditioning and is now the sovereign, vibrant and empowered woman who has found herself again. A reclaimation of power.

Healing Session

Experience profound healing in a personalised session tailored to your needs. Release tension, restore balance, and awaken your inner vitality. Book now for a transformative journey to wellness and renewal. Book for yourself or for a group cleansing.

Unlock your fullest potential with personalized one-on-one transformation coaching. Book your session now and embark on a transformational path toward a more vibrant and fulfilling existence..